Interested in leading the movement in your country or city?

In order to reach our goal of 2 billion people taking action on climate change, we need to find Partners, Collaborators, and Ambassadors in the NGO, Community, Government, Organizational, and other sectors to help lead the charge in your region, country, city, etc.

Benefits of Being a National, Regional, or City Partner, Collaborator, or Ambassador

  • Your logo is displayed on the National page for your country on our website
  • Collaboration with other National leaders
  • National and international recognition as a climate leader
  • Ability to promote successes
  • Ability to submit relevant blog articles
  • Be the leader in the largest and most significant global movement in our history
  • Be the first to receive notifications of NEW climate emergencies, NEW actions, and NEW success stories
  • Ability to create climate strategies in your region with other Climate Pledge Leaders

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