The Global Climate Pledge

Organizations, Businesses, Government Entities, Religious Organizations, Indigenous Tribes, Chambers of Commerce, etc

We have the power to make a positive difference in our climate crisis.

We will use our power to do everything we can, through our actions and our voice, to bring about change. We will lead and encourage others to work as a team to solve this challenge.

Together, we will succeed!

The change begins here, with us, now.

901 pledged out of 1000

Organization, Business or Government Pledge

  • By entering your mobile phone number above, you are opting to receive text messages from GCP. This field is optional. Standard messaging rates apply.
  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
    1) Please select at least 1 NEW action that your organization is not already doing
    2) You can choose anywhere between 1 to all action items - only select the ones are your organization is committed to achieve
  • (These are listed first because they can make the biggest impact!)
  • (Most of these are good for your health and save money!)
  • * We may be able to provide an estimated calculation for the carbon emissions saved with these action items annually.

The Power of the Pledge
By signing and sharing this pledge…

  • You recognize the need for climate action and are taking the first steps in raising awareness.
  • You serve as an example to other leaders and members in your community and can inspire a commitment to change while raising your own profile.
  • You have the opportunity to become a part of a global community of like-minded individuals committed to a greener future.

901 pledged out of 1000

Are you an individual? Please click here to sign the Individual Pledge.

** Are you already working on climate solutions with an organization? Great! Please contact us to see how we can collaborate and join forces!


Consider Making a Donation!


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