Climate Alliance Germany

Climate Alliance Germany (Klima-Allianz Deutschland) was founded on the recognition of the climate change threats and challenges and created a space for civil society organizations and unions joining together to form the Climate Alliance Germany. Together they advocate for political frameworks that would secure a total prevention of man-made greenhouse gas emissions in Germany, Europe and worldwide. They have joined the Climate Action Network Europe since 2013 and has over 120 members.


**Categories: Communities, Churches, Organizations, Unions, Youth, Climate Change

Deutsche Umwelthilfe (The German Environmental Aid)

The Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) was founded in 1975. It is politically independent, recognized as a non-profit organization, entitled to take legal action, and primarily involved at national and European levels of environmental action. They advocate for sustainable lifestyles and economic policies that respect ecological limits. At the same time, DUH fights for the preservation of biological diversity, the protection of natural resources, and climate mitigation. Their conviction: Only an energy supply based on efficiency and renewable energies, sustainable mobility, the responsible use of our natural resources, and the avoidance of waste can secure the preservation of our planet.


**Categories: Sustainability, Biological Diversity, Organizations, Climate Mitigation, Waste Prevention, Climate Change

German Association for the Environment and Nature Conservation (BUND)

As one of the largest environmental organizations in Germany and supported by over 620,000 individuals, BUND is committed to maintenance of nature conservation areas, mobilization against factory farming or educational work with campaigns. BUND gets involved in policy making processes on environment issues, climate, transport, chemicals and agriculture. They support renewable energies and is opposed to nuclear energy. As a part of the Friends of the Earth network, it lobbies in Brussels and Berlin and all members of the BUND under the age of 27 are automatically members of the youth organization BUNDjugend.


**Categories: Sustainable Industries, Individuals, Environmental Policy


Germanwatch is an independent development and environmental organization which lobbies for sustainable global progress. For them, sustainable growth means the socially equitable, ecologically sound, and economically stable progression of society. They endeavor to approach their aims by advocating for fair trade relations, responsible financial markets, compliance with human rights, and the prevention of dangerous climate change. Their main projects are world trade and food security, climate protection and adaptation, corporate accountability, the financial sector and sustainability as well as the financing of development cooperation.


**Categories: Sustainable Industries, Human Rights, Environmental Policy, Climate Change, Food Security


Greenpeace was founded in 1971 and has national and regional offices in over 55 countries. More than three million people support the organization worldwide, including more than 630,000 supporting members in Germany. The Greenpeace offices work internationally with direct non-violent actions to protect the natural basis of life for humans and nature and justice for all living beings. The organization represents the interests of nature and environmentally conscious people in politics and society.


**Categories: Climate Justice, Human Rights, Animal Rights

Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) or NABU

NABU is one of the largest, most well-known, nature conservation groups in Germany and has been active for over 100 years. NABU carries out specific conservation projects, maintains a research institute, runs environmental training and informs the media and public about important topics concerned with the environment and nature conservation. Not only do they have over 770,000 members and 40,000 volunteers, they also have a youth branch, NAJU, which is the independent youth organization of the NABU and Germany’s largest children’s and youth association in nature and environmental protection.


**Categories: Communities, Environmental Conservation, Research

Deutscher Narturschutzring

The Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) coordinates and networks in Germany, gets involved in the political debate, and campaigns for a better world tomorrow. Together with their almost 100 member organizations specializing in areas including from species and animal protection, from climate, nature and environmental protection, from organic farming, nature sports and from science, they are committed to a diverse, cosmopolitan and tolerant civil society.

**Categories: Environmental Policy, Environmental Conservation, Biodiversity

Die NaturFreunde Deutschlands

The Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) coordinates and networks in Germany , gets involved in the political debate, and campaigns for a better world tomorrow. Together with theirour almost 100 member organizations specializing in areas including from species and animal protection, from climate, nature and environmental protection, from organic farming, nature sports and from science, theywe are committed to a diverse, cosmopolitan and tolerant civil society.
  • Die NaturFreunde Deutschlands Warschauer Str. 58a/59a 10243 Berlin

  • +49 (0)30 29 77 32 60

Women for Climate Justice (GenderCC)

Women for Climate Justice, or GenderCC, is a global network of non-profit organizations that center the interconnectedness of women’s rights and environmental action as a response to the climate crisis. They do this by emphasizing that different genders are able to contribute differently to environmental degradation, and similarly, are contrastingly affected by climate change and related policies. Their goal is to build capacity on, advocate for, and empower people surrounding the interconnected issues of gender and climate. They follow the principles laid out in the UNFCCC, UNEP, IUCN, and CBD frameworks.


**Categories: Climate Change, Governance, Individuals, Public Participation, Women’s Rights

Unabhängiges Institut für Umweltfragen (Independent Institute for Environmtental Issues)

Unabhangiges Institut fur Umweltfragen was established on March 10, 1990, and focuses on citizen-oriented environmental science on participation, environmental law, energy efficiency, nature conservation, and transformative education. They regularly publish the results of their research in order to educate people around the world, and they pursue projects through financial support from federal ministries, federal states, municipalities, and foundations. They use their research to implement practical projects that emphasize the importance of new technologies in Germany and other countries around the world. They also work to educate youth and governments in countries like Vietnam, the Republic of Moldova, and Slovenia in hopes of changing law and growing public participation.


**Categories: Climate Change, Governance, Environmental Science, Public Participation, Transformative Education
